How would you go about setting up a game at your residence would the winner take all or second place gets their buy in back?

Question by BlattierDog07 Posted

I was gonna try to get a poker game going eventually I still have to buy chips and cards but would second place get their buy in back and winner take the rest of the money? I was gonna host a game after I get my own place probably if there is any interest. The only poker I've played lately is at river city but where do you find games close to home beside the casino and occasionally craigslist. Should I buy a nice wooden poker table if I have room at my place? Any specific brands that are nice? Thanks.


  1. Should I keep a dollar or more out of each buy in to pay utility bill or how do you account for that?

  2. I host home games quite a bit. How many get paid depends on how many play. We usually have 6 to 10 players. My friends and I rotate who hosts. I have a racetrack table. I spent 700 on it but that came from my home game winnings.

  3. Be very careful about how you run your game. I'd advise strongly against keeping a dollar out of each pot, because it is quite possible this will make your game illegal (I am not a lawyer, I don't know what state you live in, and I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn last night). In Colorado, where I live, it is illegal to run a home poker game where you make a "profit". Whether a judge would consider it a "profit" to be collecting a dollar at a time to pay off the table I can't say, but sounds like you would be getting into a grey area.

  4. I agree with allin67. In a lot of states your game becomes illegal once you as a host profit from it.

    It'd only be worth it to buy a table if you have games regularly. If you choose to do so i recommend that you check out BBO poker tables. Also I suggest you get quality chips and cards. Good plastic cards such as Modiano or Kem last a long time in home use.

  5. Quite frankly, who gives a damn if it's legal or not? It's a "HOME" game. There's no IRS agent at the game. No "LAWYERS"!!! no one will find out. So have fun!! I usually have about 6-8 players. 2nd gets buy in back. 1st gets remaining balance.