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AllenC123 wrote a review about Encore Boston Harbor in Everett, MA

Get your act together everything you do is backwards

Ok you opened with 86 poker tables now down to 24 !!! And you have moved them 4 maybe 5 times to make room for slots that 90% of the time there is maybe 20 or less people playing those slots upstairs where the original tables were. Tournaments...Putting 10 players at a table for a tournament is a disgrace. It's uncomfortable and changes the odds. Changing the Monday to 5:15 from 4:15 WHY? Now it gets over an hour later than before. Because of high hand Mondays to get more rake ? Which I'll talk about later. you messed with your best attended tournament again WHY? Changing the start time of the bounty tournament? Again WHY ...Just make registration longer to bad for the people that show up late and feel they get picked on all part of the game. Dealers need to be reeducated on tournament dealing. They should start dealing when the clock starts not shuffling the cards. The clock rules when the clock blinds go up it's when the clock goes to the next level NOT when the floor says blinds are up. Just like high hands it's when the green button is bushed and what the clock says I've had dealers tell me no it's still xxx they haven't announced it yet!! NOT TRUE .. ITS NOT CASH TIME IS A FACTOR. Changing dealers I've seen over 2 minutes go by Signing the dealer card adjusting the seat having a conversation with the dealer coming in or going out. I was told to learn the rules while getting change for a 5000 chip to post the 1000/1000 bb and bba. I said deal the cards why you waiting? I was told I can't deal till they are posted. Again I was making change. This dealer always has an attitude he should just quit the job. I won't complain about the rake. Do I think it's too high YES don't play heads up if you win a 100 pot you profit 37$ rake promotions tip think about it that's why we chop.. you CAN beat the 10$ rake and make money there plenty of players do over and over maybe it's your game that's the issue not the rake.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Encore Boston Harbor

EBH Poker is Open 24 Hours Every Day!

February Promotions

Sun High Hands
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes

Mon High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 30 minutes
Mon Feb 17 High Hand
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes

Tue High Hands
12pm to 4pm $300/4pm to 12am $500|Every 30 minutes

Wed High Hands
12pm to 4pm $300/4pm to 12am $500|Every 30 minutes

Thu High Hands
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes

Fri High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes

Sat High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes

Registration opens 1 hour Before Tournament Starts,

Mon-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
No Tournament Feb 17
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Tue-5:15pm $340 $100 Bounty 25k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 6:45pm

Wed -10:15am $240 20k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

Wed-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Fri- 10:15am $420 30k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

BadBeat Jackpot: $29,751.70

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