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rys wrote a review about TCH Social Austin in Austin, TX

TCH still sucks

Decided to give the new room a shot;

Regular player around town. The staff at the TCH's I've interacted with are pretty crap. The dealers sadly make the games fun and I ~want~ to enjoy playing there but it has been nothing but absolute trash staff in the front end that continually makes me realize it just isn't worth the time or effort to come to one of their locations.

Take this as feedback if you ever read it leadership of TCH:

Your front staff, cage staff, and the like are the lifeblood of getting people in the door and happy to play. Your front staff and cage staff act like it's a chore for them to help folks. They have no interest in actually being helpful except to the barest extent required for their jobs.

A new room and a new player in said room asking questions as they are not answered (this is an observation) was met with contempt and just outright indifference. Like I said; played here before but if you treat new blood in your door like that a lapsed member like myself who re-signs up for a month to test you out has zero reason to think they are liked there at all.

The dealers I dealt with personally today were all great. Players at the table; also great. But your front end staff is literally that @#$% poor.

I rate management low on here because if this is the best staff they can put together it definitely speaks volumes for their ability to run the place.

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Announcements from TCH Social Austin

Austin's Premier Poker Room

Texas Card House continues to blaze the trail for poker in Texas. TCH Social - Austin built for the guest experience! EAT DRINK PLAY at TCH Social! Come see TCH's new flagship room and be served by the best Team!


Every Morning From 6am-10am!

Tuesdays Play All Day for only $50!
Wednesdays 9 For $99! *limit one purchase per day*
Thursdays $200 High Hands every 30 minutes from 10am-3pm!
Fridays FREE Time PLO 6am-6pm!
Saturdays $200 High Hands every 20 Minutes from 12pm-8pm!

💰Referral Bonus Bring a New Member to TCH Social and We Will Match Their First Time Purchase and Apply it to Your Account!

Last Saturday of Every Month
🏛️Showdown at The Capitol 🏛️
Buy-In - $300
Guarantee - $20,000
Next Showdown: Saturday, February 22nd, 12:00 PM
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