Pennsylvania Trip


Hey all - I'm headed out to PA for the Parx tourney in a couple weeks. First time out there and had a couple questions.

1) Saw there is another series at the Hollywood in Grantville. Is it worth going to for an event or two?

2) What's the best hotel to stay at out at Parx? Don't want to end up in a dump.


  1. There a ton of hotels right there. Holiday Inn by the track is pretty good. Overall just stay away from really small ones and you'll be fine.

    As for the Hollywood Series, you'd better have a good reason to skip a Parx event for that. They're about 2 hours apart and I can't imagine too many people if they have a choice going to Hollywood. Scheduling the same days as the Parx series was a very bad idea by them.

  2. If you skip Parx for a tourney in Grantville, you're an idiot.

  3. Went to Parx on an East Coast swing. Definitely would just stay at that Holiday Inn. It's close by and pretty nice.

    Never been to that Hollywood and that's your call but with the Parx you know what you're getting. I've heard the casino is ok but the Parx is the Parx - you know what I mean?