3 Days Of Poker

Reports & Blogs by panteracfh3 Posted

I hit the Aladdin as my first stop. I really like this room. It's a friendly atmosphere and for a lower limit poker game, the players were pretty good. There are always a couple of crazies at every table but the players were solid on average. The management is also extremely nice and courteous.

Next stop was the Luxor. I had never played in this room before and if I'm lucky, I won't have to again. While I accept the fact that I'm not a world-class player, 2/3 of the people at my table were absolutely HORRIBLE players. One guy called 3 bets cold from middle position with a J-7o and managed to hit his inside straight draw on the river. Another thing that didn't seem right is that a majority of the players knew each other. While I couldn't detect if they were signaling each other, I had the gut feeling that something wasn't right. Some notes about the room in general: it is tucked away in a corner of the casino that you can't find easily. They also had the thermostat set to 'Siberia In February' as I was freezing in a longsleeve shirt.

Lastly, I hit the MGM. What a great poker room this is. Everything is state of the art. The tables have a control panel where the dealer can let the desk know there's an open seat or to get a cocktail waitress to fill a beverage need. Management was good. The table I was at had an equal amount of good, bad, and average players. It was a good time at the MGM.

So, I would definitely recommend the Aladdin and MGM. Avoid the Luxor room like one of the plagues of Egypt.

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