4 Days, little sleep, few wins, all Fun! (LOOOONG) Pt 1


This trip started out on a great note. I left DTW on Nov 2nd at 0600 and was hoping to be in my hotel, the Gold Coast by 0930 Vegas time. Spirit air lifted off on time, and we landed at McCarren Fifty (YES 5-0) minutes early. Luggage was fast off the plane, and I grab a cab, and was in my room by 0740. Now, my friends, and family were already in Vegas for 2 days, so I did not have to check in, and wentr right to my room. WAY ahead of schedule....things are looking good! Now, I have been up for 30 hrs of so, as the day before, I still had to to the dad/husband stuff, and get the kids to school, and pick them up. I was beat! I have not played poker for over a month, either live or on line...I am in a quandry. I head down to the Gold Coast buffet for breakfast to charge the battery, and load up on the carbs I will need for the next few hours!

I go check out the Gold Coast poker room. It was exactly as was discribed in the GC thread. DEAD. There is a tourny starting at 1000, and I really am too tired to head to the strip right now, so my dad and I sit to play. 50.00 plus a 10.00 add on for 2000 more chips. They had 15 runners, and we were off. (Please note that I did not take any noted while on the trip, so there will be no cool HH's in this TR) I am at a table with my dad, and do get to bust him before the first break with TPTK. We play down to 4 players and chop for 145.00 each. Nice start.

I head back to my room, and need to crash now. I set my alarm for 3:30 (it is 1:00) and wake up with the Vegas 100% oxygen in your room feeling.

My dad and I take the shuttle to Bills and walk up to the Mirage for my first of 3 sessions there. We get sat at separate tables, and my first hand I get JJ crack by QQ. The lady to do this, on my immediate right, is nice to check the river with her top pair, and scoop the pot. Then, she starts to talk...and can she talk. I have to take a second look at her, because, if I hadn't seen her, I would have thought I was playing beside Austin Powers Mother. She had that same accent, and half the time you could not understand a word out of her mouth. Then, she would laugh loudly, like she was a comic genius, and wonder why nobody was laughing. I would later learn she was a regular visitor to the Mirage from Jolly Old England. She would play an orbit or 2, and then leave to go hug, kiss, and delivey sweets to the staff. She also would soft play, because she didnt want to hurt anyone, and often checked the nuts on the river. I, play differently, and having position on her, would bet/raise/check raise he when I could. I am sure she was not in a hurry to to be the Spy who shagged ME. This session lasted until after midnight, and I had to return to the Gold Coast, because I was so tired, I was sure I was going to play the 23 of Splubs. Up 190.00 at the 3/6 game, I was now of a total of almost 300.00 for day one.

Day 2 was a planned day with my brother and sis in law, who were in Vegas for their 5th anniversary. They got married there so it was time to return. We shuttled to the strip and grabbed a Gold Line pass, and went shopping for a few hours. My kids love the trasures I brought home, all purchased on Vegas dime. We then head back to the strip, and were meeting the rest of the crew at Bellagio for the Buffet. I had a couple of hours and head to the poker room. I was so disappointed. There was one 4/8 game going and a small list for a second. I was sent to the must move table to find one person wait to play. He was a dealer there at Bellagio and houned me to play heads up. I had to say no more then enough times, and said I would play 4 handed if a game gets going. It took over an hour and then we finally got a game going. I played for about an hour, having to listen to this dealwer tell stroied about his huge online backroll, and all his friends that are teaching/mentoring him. Really...at a 4/8 table.....whatever. I was down about 60.00 and head to my fav buffet in Vegas. We got there 15 min before the dinner price started. Sweet. I ate my 20.00 in shrimp, and creme brulet, and was a happy Canadian!

The crew then all jumped back on the Gold Line and head to Freemont street to see the expirience. I have not been to Freemont st in the 8 other trips to Vegas. I was cool...didn;t blow me away. Got a huge football sized pina colada at 4 Queens, and then got the gamble on. This is where the bleeding begins. My Bro, and SIL, and Uncle dont play poker, so I sat with them and played LIR.....bad idea. 200.00 later, I am heading to the Golden Nugget to play some poker. 2/4 is the game here, and play for about 2 hrs, and am down about 40.00.

I have been abandonded by the crew, and apparently the Gold Line stop had been moved. I jump on the deuce and head to the strip. I see something amazing....TWO people claiming to be Jesus. Only in Vegas.

I head to the Mirage, and suck back some sweet Julius drinks, and play here again for about 3 hours, leaving up 70.00. I had to Bills, but missed the last shuttle long ago. I grab a cab to head home. I get the cabby to instead drop me off at The Palms, as I have never played here either. It is packed at Two in the morning due to some SEMA party they are throwing. The Poker game has a shorthanded 1/2 NL and a full 2/4 table. I sit at the 2/4 and start what may be the most fun I have ever had playing poker.

It is about 2:30 and the 1/2 game breaks, and 2 of the players come join us, and want to spew chips, as it is ONLY 2 dollars. LOL. This goes on for hours. Around 4:00 the table is 6 handed, and the drinks are flowing. This may also be the only time I have nicknamed a whole table, and addressed these people by their Nicks! I want to give a shout out to the verry very fun crowd that night....The Finnisher...who joined up for the 1/2 table. A younf Finn who alagedly knows ZIIGMOND very well back home. I tried to get him to cally ZIGGY and invite him to the 2/4 game, but I guess he was back in Finland. Then there was "Bluffer" named Sherwin. In the 6 hrs or so, he showed a total of ONE bluff, and hence got the nick. He was a big winner! Then there was "OLD WSOP". An older reg in a wheelchair that played in the main event, and took a lot of heat from us about it. He was a great sport, and had to bow aout around 5:00 to catch his paratransit bus....LAME. Next is the "Linebacker" He was a very very large black dude that was a big teddy bear, but we didnt call him that to his face...LOL Then there is the very sweet, very hawt, very busty "Andrea" Well, that was actually her name. She also came from the 1/2 table, and ran us over, by playing every hand, and getting hit by the deck. I offered to rub any bruises, being a nurse and all. She declined. "LOCE" or Carlos I think was a reg to the room. He just sat there and laughed and raked in the pots! Then, my wingman for the night...MattyIce from FLA. We drank shots, taked shit, and named everyone at the table. We learned personal stuff that can not be posted here about him, and drank drinks that I am sure he made up on the spot. AWESOMENESS.

At about 5:00, that game went 4 handed. Me, Andrea, MattyIce and the Finnisher. We did prop bets for shots, we strattled every hand, and had a great time. The Floorman, named Sean was very accomdating, getting use players cards, throwing in jabs, and laughing his ass off. The dealer.....Vinny, we way too cool. He dealt for over 4 hrs to us, because he was the last one there on graveyard. Sean was soo cool, that he comped the 4 of us buffets (we did put in about 8 hrs when all was said and done) Matty and I just kept doing shots and strattling. Then...IT happened. The clock struck 8:00 and the regs started to funnel in. The blue hairs and coffee crowd. They were not too happy with the drunk strattelers in their room. They sat out, they went fopr walks, and they complained to the day floor person, that the night crown was too loud, and playing too aggressivly. REALLY?!?!?!?!? Then a guy showed up in his 30's, with his sun glasses and his ipod, and started talking offence to the game. He started the shots about busting us, and how we trying to get under his skin. Well, that just egged MattyIce on, and it was on...LOL

We stuck around until 1030, won 3 of the draws for 50.00 (2x/hr at the Palms) I had to go because I was again going blind. I siad my goodbyes, and staggered across the street, contemplating calling a cab, for safety reasons. Down 150.00, it was worth every single penny!

I slept until aroun 3:00 and got up to head to the Mirage again. I was there early enough to say hi to Chris. It was cool to put a face to the name. I know he was busy, but still took the time to come out and say hi. All class, and it shows in the room. It is well run, and still a fav of mine in Vegas. I got seat beside Austin Powers mom again, but she was up and down, changing tables, and she never got into a groove. Me either. I was down about 40.00 and decided to try thr 7pm tourney. 21 runnings, and I was out after the 1st break, when my nut flush was killed by a rivered boat. The touny is a good one, but a lot over "very serious" players here...lots of stare downs, and posturing here.

I leave there, after eating at the Carnegie deli with my comps....what an awesome place.....

More to follow in a bit

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  1. @Parmcat

    I played with her at the Mirage, too! Her name is Rachel and for the most part, the staff was fawning all over her, though she did make a point to tell me that a certain dealer hated her. She needed help every time she wanted to get up from the table due to a bum foot. She even claimed to have been in the Israeli army in the old days! Like you, I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, so I just smiled and nodded a lot like an idiot. :laughing: She did play pretty passively once you got to heads up on the river, which did work out for me much of the time, even though I didn't hesitate to bet in to her when needed.

  2. @Parmcat
    ba-dum-bum. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I'll be here all week.

  3. sounds like the overnight session at the Palm's was a blast. On my last trip I had a 21 hour session (mostly at OSheas) that probably included about 21 shots of tequilla. I end up losing a little bit of money but the fun I had more than made up for it.

    Thx for sharing

  4. @zippyboy
    ba-dum-bum. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I'll be here all week.[/quote]

    Was that you?

    I am glad you got home safe....lol...after sitting out for an hour.

    It was a total blast on that table, and you were a great sport...

  5. @Parmcat
    ba-dum-bum. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I'll be here all week.[/quote]

    Was that you?

    I am glad you got home safe....lol...after sitting out for an hour.

    It was a total blast on that table, and you were a great sport...[/quote]
    ummmm, no. If I were in a wheelchair, I wouldn't be all that zippy, would I? Or, maybe I would.

    I just figured your pun, calling a paratransit bus LAME, was well, worthy. No doubt the old man had a crippling grip on the table every time he limped in from the blind?

  6. @Mrs. Lederer

    I played with her at the Mirage, too! Her name is Rachel and for the most part, the staff was fawning all over her, though she did make a point to tell me that a certain dealer hated her. She needed help every time she wanted to get up from the table due to a bum foot. She even claimed to have been in the Israeli army in the old days! Like you, I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, so I just smiled and nodded a lot like an idiot. :laughing: She did play pretty passively once you got to heads up on the river, which did work out for me much of the time, even though I didn't hesitate to bet in to her when needed.[/quote]

    Yep...thats her. At one point she was trying to avoid some player, and moved tables. When the player moved over to her table, she moved back. It took forever to get her, her chips, her purse holder, her julius, and all her sweets moved.

    I guess she is a VIP there....but good for the game. She had so many tells it was comical

  7. Loved the report. Those 2-4 tables that merge into nit-tastic daytime hours are a helluva lot of fun. I pulled one back in May and it was a blast. Where else can you gamble for about 8 hours and still be up or down $100?

  8. Nice report. I see you flew out of DTW. Ever play in Detroit area casinos or charity poker rooms?

  9. @ChicagoJim

    I actually live in Ontario, and play occationally at Point Edward in Sarnia. Juicy 1/2 games on the weekends with lots of rocks during the week.

    Have not played at all in Michigan