a week in vegas playing poker


Where to begin came in July 2nd at 3 pm to stay at Paris for 9 days. quick 20 dollar trick led to a red room, so already its starting off well. :) Didn't do much the first night just mostly hung around and had a few drinks. The second day is where the fun started. played the 1 3 game at Caesars bought in for 250 didint have anything big happen except for my cousin turning 4 aces and taking about 150 bucks from me. won that back by just being aggresive when i saw weakness. Left up 10 bucks. From there went to a great dinner at a nice little place right off the strip called Pieros. After a half a bottle of wine and a few cocktails decided to go over to planet Hollywood and play some 1 2 then go to bed about 12 or 1 and get soem rest before the golden nugget championship. Well that didnt work out as planned as the 1 2 game was maybe the easiest game ive played in a long time. Within 20 min of me sittign down four girls come in on a bachelorrette party buy in for 300 each. THANK YOU!!!!! by 2am up 650. had to force myself to go to bed as I needed rest but boy did I want to stay. No big hands to speak of just pouncing on weakness my cards didnt matter to much.

1st tournament. Golden Nugget Championship 1070 buy in. 1 hour levels 25k starting. I play small ball in deep stack tournaments so a couple of things i do. I NEVER and I mean NEVER reraise pre flop during the early levels with no antes and really maybe thru the whole tournament with maybe one exception in a very weird pot. And i always just min raise when there are no antes 2.5 times after the antes come in. After level 1 at 31k with at straight with 3 minutes to go in the level guy raises to 150 i call 9h7h flop comes 8 10 j rainbow. he bets 250 i call. 2 comes out he bets 500 i raise to 1200 he calls A on river he checks i bet 1000 he calls AK he had. Second imporant hand on the button guy to my right raises to 300 i call with AK of hearts fold fld. flop k 10 5 rainbow he checks icheck. 4 on the turn he bets 300 i call. 2 on river he bets 400 i call he has a set and my reads are on. From there i go on to lose some chips not hitting flops, down to 23k when i had to lay down 1010 to a rivered ace. Just hang around with the blinds slowly creeping up. Im basically just waiting for a mistake. last hand of level 4. 100 200 25 ante guy raises to 600 fold to me on the button I have 99. Just call QJ 3 he checks i check. he bets 1000 i raise to 2400 see where im at he calls turn 7 now two spades out there he bets 2 thousand i think its weird think call. 8 heart he goes all in for 10k. I think, I think... it just didnt make sense. I call he had a busted lush drawup to 53k...end of level 5 85 left avg is 30k i have 56. next few levels i flop a set steal some pots at the dinner break im at 88k For the next 5 hours I am card dead and losing chips very fast as i cant get anything going. Lose at about 23rd or 24th when I finally pushed with AJ.
Its late about 12 so decided to go back to PH for some drinks and some 1 2. wouldnt you know it easy again up 550. From there I hit the baccarat table to the nice tune of 1400. Sunday I decided to ust play cash games so what better place to do that than PH. Went with my cousin and sat again in the 1 3 game. lost a few pots down about 50 with 200 in front of me what i get into a from the button with A 6 Spades there is about 5o in the pot i bluff on the flop get called I just want to try one more bluff as I thought I had a read on the guy I am holding 45 in my hand and moving it toward the pot but stop as im shook when he slams his stack of about 150 into the pot and screams all in. I look at the dealer and say "you know I havent even put this in yet." Dealer says I know. I fold. He wants a ruling. starts screaming that I got caught and now im trying to get myself out of it. I explain if the floor says I have to play the money I wont complain. Floor says he acted otu of turn I can decide as for all they know i woud have just pu in one chip. He is steaming. I stay calm btu decide to play tight and try and trap him I do as my flush with AJ comes on the turn and his KK is crushed he loses 200 throws the cards in my face. i laugh to the tune of 675 by the time i leave.
2nd tournament 340 buying ceasers mega stack 112 runners 15k starting chips. Lets start the small ball again... finish level 2 with 18k with a nice bluff with 2 aces on the board, guy throws away QQ. Ihad pocket 6s guy raises 300 I call guy raises to 1000 first guy folds Icall. AA9 he bets 1400 i raise 2400 he tanks then gets away. I hit a set of fives dont play it aggressive and make to little. Im jumping in alot of pots trying to outplay people post flop as it looks that most are weak. I try a funky little play with 93 hearts I min raise as usual 3 callers flop 3107 to hearts check to me i bet 50% one caller turn 9. he checks i bet he calls check check 5k pot show the hand and i got the right image in place...
Get moved to a new table it will be the final table so im goign to be here for a while so I take time to get to study everyone. first bug hand, woman raises on the cutoff 3 times the big blind I call on the small blind bb calls one more caller I have 1010 flop 10 6 4. checked to her she bets i call fold fold. 4 on the turn she goes all in I call she has JJ. I have 45k keep small balling and just scooping little pots get some good cards kk qq but playing them a little to hard by the dinner break im sitting on 53700 avg is 28k. On a note their is a guy at my table that is loud boisterous, think a mix of mike the mouth and Dimitri Knobles. He is crushing the game but stayign away form me. I thin we have a simple unspoken understanding to stay away and pick on everyone else. Go card dead till like 930 pm at 73k whil ethe average is 82k with 19 to go woman overplays her JJ on the small blind I call her all in with KK at 157k. From there it takes three hours for the bubble to burst and Im at the final table with 145k. Then thats where the controversy started. We were to play till 2am. it was 115. All nine players that were now in the money wanted to play it through the night as one had to play day 2 of the me. another had a flight and two were short stacked and didnt want to have to com eall the way back tomm just to shove two floor men said it was fine but the night shift managrer would not allow it. we pleaded with him, he said no as he had no dealers. The dealer we had agreed to stay he said no wed have to pay him. We offered to pay him out of the prize money NO. we asked to start at 8am so. NO. two guys lose very quickly and 7 have to come back tomm at 2pm. im in 4th. with 160k. hed back to mgm with loud guy to play some 25 leave up 330 and hit the baccarat for 200 on the way home. Learn that loud guy is really not a jerk its all jut an act to get people to think hes a donk which from the fact that he has 440k its obvious his act works. At the final table we lose two early one guy is not there as he is at the wsop but has 385k i decide not to just sit and wait to try and move up a spot as I want a shot at the big money, make a bad read push for 220 into a 45k pot with aq on a kk3 board he has k5. In out in 5th to the tune of 2700. watch a little and decide to start playing some "real" cash game brand new 5 10 no limit game is just starting buy in for 1000. three rocks three eurpean poker players and three rich donks, there only move all in for 800 lose buy in for 800 pick my spots play very carefully no small ball this time just sit wait get paid . flop a set make 1000, flop a set make 1000. this goes on for three hours leave with a big win of 4200. Big Big day just got lucky and founf the right table lol.... Im up so much I put a bet on the Yankees and im a met fan win that to GREAT DAY. Up next the Caesers 1000 championship 280 runners on day 1a day day 1b which im in 440 that ill post in great detail a little later as im out to try the HORSE game I hear they have at monte carlo if its not being spread im off to the 170 tournament at caesers if anyone reads this come on down I have alot of funny stories like when i got called a "toolbox" Trying to play a little more before i leave tomm morn

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  1. Good TR. It's nice to run good and get paid off. Paragraphs are your friend.