EA13 - an Impromptu trip


I talked to Mike on Monday and told him that I did not want to do an EA. We had done one the week before and I felt that putting it off a week would be best for both the report and my bankroll. As you will see, that didn't work out.

Mike and I meet at Mandalay Bay at around 9pm. We get into a 1-2 nl game. For those of you who have not played at the Bay, it has great action. A lot of businessmen playing all night while drinking. I did not get drunk businessmen, I got annoying girl.

Let me describe annoying girl. Likes to hang out with the guys and be one of the guys. Says "dude" a lot. High fives when she wins. She dresses sexy but isn't sexy after opening her mouth. Says, "sorry" when she beats you. Mike even noticed that she walked like one of the guys. The reason I bring her up is to emphasize that if someone is annoying you or the game "feels" wrong, you should change tables. I didn't, but I did brake even.

After about 2 hours, Mike and I had had enough and decided to go to the Hard Rock. We were met by "Sexy" Lexy, former Ceasar's phone girl. We got into separate 1-2 games and start playing. I had a roller coaster ride that landed me up $70 dollars. Mike did not do that well.

Like its been each time I've been to the Hard Rock, the action was great. There was an annoying player or two. But they were good action so I ignored them. About 2 hours into the game, Mike gets a text. Apparantly there was a Razz game going on at the East Side Cannery.

Mike is a Razz nut. Just like I am for Baduci. We drive as fast as possible down to the Boulder Strip. The game has four players, Photoc, Psand, another dealer and a woman who wanted to play stud but got roped into Razz. Mike and I sit down, the limit is 2-7 spread. I lose $100 in one hour. I hate Razz.

The signature of any EA is a trip to four different casinos. Well, we were down on the Strip, the Boulder strip. And like a moth to a flame, the Omaha game at the Boulder station called to me. "Come SouthPointPerry, you can't lose at this game 10 TIMES IN A ROW!" I have vowed that I will beat this stupid game before I die.

Needless to say, I did not beat this stupid game. I lost $160 dollars. The high light being my last hand where I flop Q's full of fives and got beat by 4-fives. At this point I called it a night and drove home.

I had not planned to do an EA. Its always fun to hang out with LVM, but after losing $760 on EA12, I wanted to make some money. I lost $190. Which brings us to the next EA, EA14, poker on a budget. It will happen 10/6.

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