Lots of poker & booze!

Reports & Blogs by WILD_SAMOAN about Caesars Palace Posted

There was 11 guys on this trip and only a few don't play poker. When we first got in the Monte Carlo was on fire. Glad I didn't book there, that would of been a nightmare.

7 of us head over to TI to play in the 2PM tourney. They run it very well there and the dealers were very good. The CW's keep the beers coming. I didn't really like the unlimited rebuys within the first hour.

I knocked out 4 guys and they all bought back in. I had some fun with the old timers but some of the younger fellas with the ipods, sunglasses & blank stares were a bore. I came to have fun but some people take poker way to serious!

I made it to the low 20's and I think there were 5 tables. In all I really liked the TI, maybe a bit small for me but I loved the new chips they have. No filth or grime on them yet!

We all went out to Cheetahs until 3 or 4 in the morning, took a 3 hour nap and signed up for the 9AM tourney at Caesars.

Caesars was awesome! $65 with a $5 add on. The bad thing was I was extremely hung over! I think I drank 14 bottles of water. I gave that CW about 20 bucks for water and it was money well spent.
The TD ran it very well and was explaining the rules about cell phones and mine rang right in the middle of his speech. I felt like the biggest jackass!

Didn't really like the rebuys in the first hour but since the room was beautiful, I'll let it slide. I made it to the 5th blind(30 min) and got a beat down from pocket rockets! My AQ Suited had no chance afte the flop and turn.

My buddy made the money and we made a deal that we'd split if we got in the money. He took home $114 and I got $50 back! It's good to have friends!
Time for some sleepy!!!

I had a lot of fun at Caesars and would recommend this place to anyone here. Try not to play HUNG OVER!

We went to a place called Treasures. 4Pm-6PM Free Beer & buffet. 6PM-8PM Buy one drink get the next free. We took advantage of that as all 11 of somehow made it there! Talent was good and the beers were flowing.

The we went th Planet Hollywood and the Miss America pagent was there. Women were everywhere. I saw Johnny Drama(Kevin Dillon) from Entourage. Maybe he was a judge?

Sunday I played at Planet Hollywood's 10AM tourney. We ate breakfast there and right next to us was Anthony Michael Hall from 16 Candles & Breakfast club. We didn't bug him but he's bigger that he used to be.

Anyways, back to poker. I really liked my dealer, he was singing and funny. I think his name was Junior.

The play was downright aggressive. I made it to the 2nd blind. My pocket KK were shot out of the water by A 10 off suit. Flop came A 10 blank. Turn and river also blanks!

I said my goodbyes and goodlucks and did the walk of shame. The room was nice and the TD's and dealers were very upbeat at 10 AM!

Finally after playing BlackJack @ O'Sheas my buddy told me they had tourney there? $45 No Rebuys. It has only 3 tables, they get about 20-25 players and it's like having a game in your garage. Not very serious but fun.

I took a 5th(No Money) and 10th. If you just want to have fun play cards and drink! This is your place!

In all I gained a lot of tournament experience and had a blast doing so. I wasn't looking to turn pro, just play some cards with my poker buddies and a bunch of strangers!

Gotta start planning my next trip back to Vegas!

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  1. I really liked my dealer, he was singing and funny. I think his name was Junior.

    I love Junior! He was my favorite dealer on my trip to Vegas in May of last year. Glad to hear he is still at PH. He's one of the reasons I will make it a point to return there on my next trip to play.

    Does he still call everyone boss?

  2. I think everyone was called BOSS at one time or another!

    He was pretty funny!