What's your leak/tips?

Question by MoneyShot86 Posted

Hi all,
Thought I'd ask a question of my fellow degenerates as it could be helpful or at least comforting. Lol. A lot of people have a leak, basically a form of gambling they tend to lose on but can't help but do anyway. Wondering what random things everyone comes up with?
Personally, mine is gambling when drinking. If I drink too much then I can spew money on roulette, blackjack, 3-card or whatever there is to play, whereas normally I avoid table games like the plague. I'm a poker player and generally I'm profitable so it makes it up but I would be soo much more in the plus without these drunken nights. My biggest spew was around 1000 English in 1 night. A friend of mine recently had one of these nights and lost his whole bankroll- 7000! (No Vegas for him this year)

In summary-
1. Any tips so I can drink n not go off the handle? (Don't drink is not a solution LOL)

2. What's your leak and any tips to stop them?

3. Can anyone beat my idiot friends 7000 in one night? Lol.


  1. Is not drinking so difficult? Sounds like a problem. Well, keep drinking and gambling. That way you'll hit bottom that much quicker...

  2. @Rob U Blynde Thanks for the condescending remarks. Bad marriage? Old? Miss your youth or no friends? Maybe all the above. Either way, anyone with a few good mates going to Vegas will probably want to enjoy a drink as well as gambling. This was meant to be a lighthearted convo to hear a few mad stories but u always get one idiot on a soapbox to preech. Well done for being "that guy". Anyone who is interested, a few tips:
    1. Get a travel card and set a daily limit.
    2. Only take out what your willing to spend.
    3. A bit of fun-make a bet on who will drop the most in one day (a prop bet if u will).
    4. Stay off the shots & don't leave your drink anywhere unless u wanna get raped by a 60 year old track suit enthusiast.
    5. Don't get into drinking games.
    6. If u feel yourself getting tipsy, grab a bottle of water (don't wanna get dehydrated with alcohol in the Vegas heat).

    Thread Over. F u sir.

  3. @MoneyShot86 problem drinking is REALLY lighthearted. I'm actually surprised to hear alcohol and poker in the same sentence. Many of the rooms I play at do not serve alcohol in the poker area. Serious buzz kill watching some inebriated dufus spilling beer and playing out of turn. Perhaps you might sober up enough to realize everyone is NOT a hammerhead...

  4. @Rob U Blynde U r living on a different planet if u think drinking and gambling don't go hand in hand with under 30's especially in big groups of lads. Ps. I'm never in a state of spilling beer over tables and playing out of turn. I hate those guys and I don't know how this got to "problem drinking"- I'm no alcoholic. I've had one or two mad nights but who hasnt? As I say, I wanted to hear some random shit people leak cash on, not get a life lesson from some dick on the other end of the net. Go back to your shitty depressing life and try to make a friend alternatively I hear there's lots of people you could lecture on Facebook?

  5. I can smell the alcohol seeping out of your pores over the web. Every wet brained alcoholic thinks they have it under control. It's what keeps them going. Too bad sobriety has to be shitty and depressing. You must not be able to get through a day without your sauce. Where do you play? I'd love to sit in with you sometime. Drinks are on me...

  6. Take it easy fellas! We're are all having a good time here. Pardon me while I chime in with some feedback. I get the drinking thing....it's Vegas...you sound like you are from the UK or somewhere in Euroland. Nothing wrong with drinking...I encourage you to have a good time, as I imagine every casino owner would too.

    My suggestion is to carry less cash...and DEFINITELY dont carry casino chips around. They just make it too easy. Keep your money and ATM cards in your room, or with a friend that isn't going to give them to you, and cut off your own money supply when you the drinks will be flowing. That's what I've seen work between myfriends and I. Of course I am always the sober one holding everyone elses money....but no matter how mad they get when I don't give it to them, they apprecaite it the next day!

  7. @Rob U Blynde "seeping out of my pours" - u getting off on this? I'm sorry things didn't work out with your wife or if your kids don't love you anymore, maybe your a 40 year old virgin, what do I know but I'm sure there's support groups you could go to? (I dont mean the scouts) so Stop wanking off over your own superiority to the rest of the world and find a more constructive use of your oh so valuable time. Ps with the level of wit you display, u can sit at my table any time u like, as long as u don't start jacking off beneath it.

  8. @Chizzle Good guess. I'm a UK baby. Ps I'm already taking it easy. Lol. At least one person had some good advice for the community. Thanks.

  9. @MoneyShot86 I appreciate your analysis, off base as it is. I'd expect no less from one so delusional. Seems your poor judgement doesn't stop at cards. Anyway, this thread was supposed to be about your Poor decision making when inebriated, which must be often, and that not drinking is SO not an option (YOUR own words). So don't bother trying to turn the focus on me in a feeble attempt to ignore your own issues, which are severe enough to announce to the entire web. You seek advice, you get it. Before you hit the reply button with more foul retorts, try reflecting on what's already been posted. Your solution is back there. It will take courage, and not the bottled kind, to go that direction, rather than coming back with more sleazy rot.

  10. @Rob U Blynde LMAO. I must admit. Me n my friends r getting a good laugh out of this at your expense. Basically your saying "please leave me alone" now because u have nothing. in a battle of wit i think think i would fear a wooden spoon more than yourself. I personally have a great life and I hope u can turn yours around so u can have one too. Alas, I will leave u alone now sir as i believe this conversation has come to an end. Good luck and never lose hope. There's someone out there for everyone (even for self riotous dicks such as yourself).

    Kind regards,

    MoneyShot Out ;)

  11. dang they are ruff on you in the comments, but yes i do like to have a few drinks while playing 2/4,3/6, 4 /8 limit holdem ( i dont play n/l ) I just like to have some fun and i dont always drink at the table but to be honest after 2-3 beers i do loosen up a bit and most of the time i actual win more money than when i am not drinking. okay alot of you wont belive this but its true. also i play poker just for fun and not trying to pay the rent with my winnings...when i dont drink and after about a couple of hours i get so bored looking at all the grumpey players or nits not having fun so ill get up and leave. now as far as playing pit games or slots even if i have been drinking i still dont play maybee a little craps but still low limt as its a fun game with a good bunch of players.. so keep it fun and low limit and have a great nite.....

  12. @2late4u Someone who gets it! Nice post. I don't think some people can relate as they may live in areas that don't serve in the casino's. I find even a few beers can alter your play as you are a little less inhibited and perhaps less tight but as you say its not always a bad thing. I had one night where I came off about 1800 to the good (1-2 cash game!) and didn't get many suck outs at all. Gotta love those.