TheOD Poker blog

Reports & Blogs by TheOD Posted

It’s Official, I am finally starting a blog of my own. I have come to know a lot of AVP’ers over the past few years, and have talked about starting this blog for about a year now. For those that don’t know me, my name is Dave, and I have been playing poker for about 3 years now. I got my online handle TheOD - The Other Dave - as a result of playing with Yappy Dave at TI when TI was the home casino for both of us. I am a close friend of Yappy and like many of you have been a follower of his blog. I will try to keep this blog 90% about poker and hopefully I should be playing quite a bit.
I have had a couple of stints of 3-4 months over the past few years where I was not working and playing exclusively for income. This is a very hard thing to do, I have had mild success with this but like many who try to jump from day job to professional player I find myself back at a day job. I do have a wife and 2 children so it can be difficult sometimes to balance poker, work and family. I still aspire to not be tied down to a 9-5, 7:30-4:30 in my case, and hopefully one day my bank roll and game will support it.
I have been playing the past couple months almost exclusively on the weekends because I started a new job and my house and job is 30 minutes from the strip where I like to play. I am really excited today because it is the grand opening of Aliante Station which is walking distance from my house. To be able to save on the drive time to the strip (hour round trip) I should be able to play 3-4 nights of the week here.
I hope to develop a following of readers who are like myself and love poker and want to get better all the time. I will post as many interesting hands that I have when I play. I enjoy the feedback given on this site and it helps me work on my game and sometime I see things in a totally different light after reading comments. Thanks in advance for those in the poker community who encouraged me to do this and I am looking forward to developing as a poker player.

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  1. Thanks for taking the blogger plunge Dave. I am always interest to hear about the experiences of our resident AVP grinders.