Poker Tables:
13 Tables
Minimum Age:
brian8065 wrote a review about Ameristar KC in Kansas City, MO

I never played here.

I rushed here from East St Louis to play in their scheduled tournament. When I got here they were surprised there was a tournament on Poker Atlas. "We just changed the schedule today." They said, bluffing to me, as if I couldn't sniff that one out.

I then asked to be put on the cash game list. There was two lists, 1/2 and 3/6 limit. The 1/2 NL had 5 names, and 3/6 had one. I gave them my cell and went to eat. I returned after 30 minutes to see the 3/6 game going, and still no seats.

In fairness, I did not ask to be put on the 3/6 list, because it was basically empty.

Overall very disappointing to rush here only to discover no game to be had.

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