Bally's Black Hawk Casino formerly Golden Gates Casino

Poker Tables:
17 Tables
Closed (TBD - 2:00am)
Minimum Age:
All Day
TBD - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
All Day
All Day
All Day
jetterbobb wrote a review about Bally's Black Hawk in Black Hawk, CO

Overall poor room

Terribly inconsiderate staff.
This is a dying room with lots of collusion between the older amateur crowd. Be ready to buy in many times this is a shotgun tourney room. You'll have lots of peeps rattling off what they "know" on their 4th buy in while they're chipping up.

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Recent Bally's Black Hawk Reviews

Morey wrote a review about Bally's Black Hawk in Black Hawk, CO

Rough One

This is a really small, seedy room. The cash games use auto shufflers. The deckmate 2's can sort cards, so the play... Read More