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hdbrhciiirnnxnn wrote a review about Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV

Tourney Structures

Played the $2k 9pm guarantee... for some reason they don't list this as a turbo, but the blinds structure was absolutely ridiculous. Every round after the first doubles the blinds. There was very little time to play actual poker, with the game becoming a variation of all-in or fold very quickly. Final table stacks ranged from 1-2 BB for the short stacks up to maybe 10BB tops for the big stack to start. After one round, the big stack had 5-6BB. To make things worse, the final table dealer was slow and often confused with counting. From the moment he sat down to deal high cards for the final table draw he seemed lost. After the first all in, he made mistake after mistake trying to count the stacks and color the players up. There were a few players who were at least fun to talk to and not completely obnoxious, but there were a handful of folks who were also insufferable humans. One guy sat down and began immediately coughing every three seconds in the early rounds. He said it was allergies and that he always coughs but later in the tournament his ailment was mysteriously cured. The same guy proceeded to talk incessantly to the dealer in a demeaning way, while trying to play it off. Other players were inexplicably aggressive verbally to other players. Just, not an overall great experience save for a few interactions and the setting in the sports book which is great for some idle sports watching.

There's other rooms with better structures worth checking out if you want to play tournaments. That's what I'll be doing next time I'm in town. The competition was soft, but I'd rather slightly tougher competition if it means I get more rounds of actual poker rather than a guaranteed coin flip for everyone not long after the break.

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