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DanMontana141 wrote a review about Champions Club in Houston, TX

Excellent set up, worth traveling for.

I made my first trip to champions club from March 30th- April 2nd. Below are some pros and cons.

I'll start with the cons as this will be a very short list. I may chalk it up to being Easter weekend however there was not a huge selection of games during my stay. Typically one or two 1-2 table as well as one 1-3. There were also a couple heads up matches going on, as well as daily tournaments. I would have liked a few more tables to be open but again, it was a holiday weekend.

Pros- the service was excellent. From the floor supervisors to the dealers and wait staff. Everyone was more than happy to make sure the players feel comfortable and well taken care of. The food is very reasonably priced and much better than any room that I have been to outside of Vegas casinos. The hotel deal (play 8 hours and get a free room) is a huge benefit. I am from NY and this trip was less expensive than a weekend in Atlantic City. Hotel rooms are clean and nice and the bar downstairs is superior to most bars in poker rooms. Again, I think the low number of tables must have been due to the holiday because this place is a must visit for poker players. The action was excellent even with the limited number of tables. I was told that Texas games play bigger, and this is definitely a fact. The 1-3 games typically play like a 5-10 in the northeast. They have streamed games two or three nights a week if that is something that interests you. I was there on the off stream nights which could be another factor in the fewer open tables.

I play in rooms up and down the east coast and I can say that this is a place has the best set up to meet the wants and needs of its clientele. I urge anyone who considers themself a poker player to give the place a chance. It has everything needed to maximize the player experience. I can see this club continuing to grow and becoming a leading room in the area in the future. I look forward to going back.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Champions Club

Members must be 18 or older

Starting at $100,000 increases weekly

Mystery High Hands 24/7

$3,000 Mini Bad Beat Jackpot

$25,000 Player Appreciation Freeroll
1/05/25 11am
$10,000 for 1st place
Players who earn 40 hours of live play for the month of December qualify.
40 hours gets 10k in chips
For each additional 10 hours players will receive an extra 10k
Capped at 80 hours, 50K max starting stack.
Top 3 hours earners will receive a bonus 1st-$1,000 2nd-$750 3rd-$500

Play 8 hours of live poker and receive a free hotel room (based on availability)
Play 4 hours of live poker and receive a $85 hotel room rate
Hotel Promotions are suspended during all tournament series.

Football Hot Seat Drawings!!!
Thursday Night
Sunday Morning and Night
Monday Night

Field Goal-$25

Vets and Seniors 60 years or older receive free memberships

Thursday Night is Chess Night!!!
Every Thursday at 6:30pm
Casual Games
Great Food
Drink Specials

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