Poker Tables:
51 Tables
Open Now (All Day)
Minimum Age:
All Day
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
All Day
All Day
Bergie37 wrote a review about Derby Lane in St. Petersburg, FL

Poker Day

Staying down in Madeira Beach and had a free day to go play some poker. Experience was good all around. Played 1/2 NL and they have a high hand promo going and it's $500 every 15 minutes which was a major draw of why I chose to play here but I soon found out that you need to have Quads or better to qualify. With the rake being $6 & $3, I found this promo a bit weak with only 4 tables running it definitely plays in advantage to the house.

1: Players would just get up from the table because they didn't like the cards they were getting and just moved to another table which created the table to be short.
2: A few times we only had 4 or 5 players at our table and I asked for reduced rake and was denied. Floor told us that if someone was up from the table that made us short handed, we had to wait 10 minutes before we could get reduced rake.
3: As I stated in the beginning, the promo should be modified to have Aces full or better and not the quads or better.

1: Environment felt safe and clean
2: Chips, cards and felt were nice and clean
3: Dealers were professional and kept games moving along

I would come back again in hopes of having a better promotion standard.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Derby Lane Poker Room

January Daily Promotions
Monday & Tuesdays:
12P-6P $500 every 20 minutes
7P-12p $500 Instantly (POCKET PAIR REQUIRED )

Wednesday & Thursday:
$500 + Instant Pays EVERY 30 MIN
Pocket Pair required

-Friday's and Saturday's
11a-3p: $500+$250 Every 30 min
3p-8p: $500+$400+$300 Every 30 min
8p-11p: $500+$250 Every 30 minutes
Pocket Pair required (See specific details)

1/2 NLHE win up to $300 with Star Power
Play 60 hours Sun - Thurs to unlock Star Power
Double Star Power Points Mondays and Tuesdays
See specific details

$1-$3 $300-$1,500 Buy-in
$2-$5 $500-$2,500 Buy-in
PRIME NLHE includes:
$500 Instant Pay during all NON-hourly promotional hours(excluding 11/30)
$1-$3 and $2-$5 PRIME Play 50 hrs get $500
Redeemable the first of the next month
All promotions require the use of both hole cards. Pocket Pair Required for All Timed Promotions(excluding 11/30)

PRIME $1-$3, $3/hr food/drink comp redeemable in 5hr blocks. Food comp does not roll over to the next day.
$2-$5, $3/hr food/drink comp. Expires at the end of the following month

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Poker Day

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