Poker Tables:
14 Tables
Open Now (10:00am - 4:00am)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
gdgdhhdfhd wrote a review about Downstream Casino in Quapaw, OK

Stuart Dealt Me AA

There is a dealer named Stuart there. They call him Stu sometimes, and shit4brains other times. He dealt me AA, aka Pocket Rockets, aka American Airlines, aka ones, aka Teepees, aka Bullets, aka Alan Alda. I raised preflop, it must have been about two fiddy, maybe tree fiddy I put out there. Some one ponied up the money taking a temporary loan from a friend with 20% juice. This guy had AK, aka Anna Kournikova, aka Big Slick, aka King Arthur, aka Korean Airlines, aka The Big Ugly. Stuart proceeds to throw out a flop. The flop done come 10 5 2 with three different suits, aka Rainbow Flop, aka Badugi Flop. The turn was a Jack. One of those one eyed sons a guns. The guy with the AK stands up and with all his might says "queen me!!" Which was weird because in checkers you get kinged once you get to the opposing players side of the board, so it makes no sense when he says that. So Stuart makes a fist, clenched tight like he is about to wail on someone, and he does wail on someone, metaphorically, after he taps the table twice with his fist signaling he is about to turn the last card over, aka The River. This is the part Stuart wailed on me. He "queened him" just like the guy asked for. The guy had nothing on the flop, he had to hit the turn and the river just right, aka Back Doored, aka Runner Runner, aka Nothin Funner Than Runner Runner. So I lost about tree fiddy I guess. Then there I was, sitting in seat 6 on table number 3, facing my own poker mortality as my Bullets couldnt penetrate Anna Kournikova. My Rockets couldnt out launch King Arthur. His Korean Airliner flew down from the sky and crashed into my Teepees. I was bested, crushed, and humiliated right in my back yard. I had to go home a broken man and look my dog Dee Oh Gee (D-O-G) right in the eyes and tell him "there will be no kibble tonight, daddy done bad". Of course I dont think Dee Oh Gee understood me as I have yet to teach him english, as it hasnt been on top of my to-do list, and has slid down that list further since losing that tree fiddy. One thing has moved well up that list though, yet is beginning to come off that list, as leaving this review for Stuart was that item that leap frogged such things as teaching Dee Oh Gee english and learning how to tie my shoes so I can stop wearing sandals and crocs to the top of the list. I dont know how Stuart lives with himself after doing such an awful thing to me. He has been dealing for a decade, but failed to do his job adequately there.

Thank you for reading my review, I hope this review helps someone avoid the crippling agony of defeat like I felt then. Fold your AA pre and this pain will not be bestowed upon you by the likes of Stuart.

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Announcements from Downstream Casino


**We will hold HOT SEAT drawings after field goal's, touchdown's, and safety's during games broadcasted in the Poker Room. This will apply to Monday Night, Thursday Night, and Sunday games, with Friday and Saturday games included later in the season.**

AKCome out Wednesday, February 5th at 6pm and get a little practice in for the 30K event with our $50 bounty tournament.AK

AA30K GTD EVENT -- FLT A Thursday Feb 6 @ 6pm, FLT B Friday Feb 7 @ 6pm, and FLT C Feb 8 @ 3pm. Day 2 kicks off on Sunday at 2pm with everyone in the money to battle it out for the big payday!! AA


[i]We are excited to announce High Hands on Thursdays and Fridays throughout February! Join us from 12 PM to 10 PM and win between $50 and $300 per hour, depending on the active table count. See the poker room for complete details.

AJoin us for Hot Seat Drawings every Saturday and Sunday in February! Drawings will take place every 30 minutes from 6 PM to 12 AM, with 1 to 4 winners receiving $100 to $200 instantly, depending on the active table count. Visit the poker room for full details.A

AASee the poker room for exact dates, times, and rules for promotions. AA

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