Jamestown Saloon
- Phone:
- (360) 454-0352
- Poker Tables:
- 5 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (All Day)
- Minimum Age:
- 18
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Poker Room Features
Poker Room Details
- Venue Type
- Card Room
- Comps & Promotions
- January promotions: Hold'em high hands hourly: Sunday-Thursday: 10am-10pm; 11am: $200;12pm-10pm: $100 Friday: 10am-7pm, $100 Every Saturday: 10am-10pm: $400; High Hand must hold for 60 minutes; if beaten timer will reset and new high hand must hold for 60 minutes in order to win prize! Bounty Hunter 2 Tournament Series: Accumulate the most points in January's weekly tournaments and win a free or discounted entry into The Last Saturday of the Month tournament. * full house or better to qualify; * both hole cards must play; * hand must have a minimum of 4 players dealt in; * pot must be at least $10; * PSJ is raked at 10% up to $3 per hand; * Must have a minimum of 1 hour of play before high hand is awarded. (Management has the right to change PSJ promotions with the approval of WSGC)