Larry Flynt's Lucky Lady Casino formerly Normandie Casino

Poker Tables:
18 Tables
Open Now (All Day)
Minimum Age:
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day wrote a review about Lucky Lady in Gardena, CA

Tournament Comments

Well where to start ...

Pre Hustler consolidation -
tournaments here were mediocre at best. Staff tried but wasn't enough. Chips quality was horrible and staff to be honest were just not accommodating. Yes staff was polite but sometimes polite just isn't enough for the tournament herd.

Post Hustler Consolidation -
What can I say ... complete turn around... Great staff very accommodating to the herd. Nice, polite, Happy, great staff. Chips are much better then before. Turnouts are great, pots are up especially on the weekends. Dealer staff quality has greatly improved with like always the exceptions of a few new ones still learning. The addition of of the hustler staff dealers ( Lyly Lyly, Hurricane Annie, Sylvia and the others ) also improved the staff quality. and is a great compliment to the few good dealers from before ( Maria ) ...

Room now for bigger tournaments maybe even a small series event ...

All in All congrats on the move Shawn Y. it worked out very well .

Keep up the great work ( Vince, George, Reina, Betty )

Last Comments ...
Definitely!! need to improve services in the Food and Beverage ... more staff may help this issue. Food quality and consistency needs improvement as well options for the players.
Cash games are increasing since tourney players relocate once busting out. Its difficult to get chips sometimes when seated just because of staff shortages.

Food and Drink

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Announcements from Larry Flynt's Lucky Lady Casino

Time is Money Drawings
Win up to $1,400 in Lucky Chips every week! Play your favorite games and earn tickets for the drawings every other from 5pm – 11pm, Monday thru Sunday. The drawing amount starts at $200 on Monday and if no winner is present, the prize amount rolls over to the next day at the same exact time and increases by $200 each day with a guaranteed winner on Sunday.

Daily Poker Tournaments
With over $40,000 guaranteed weekly, check out our tournaments. Join us Monday - Thursday for NLH at 1PM and 7PM, Friday at 1PM and 6PM and on Saturday and Sunday at 3PM!
Daily Poker Tournaments

$100,000 Super Jackpot
Play cash Hold'em games in the Poker Room and see if you hit the SUPER JACKPOT! The hand to be beat has never been easier!

Pot Splash
Everyday at 10am and 12noon, all cash poker games will be splashed $50! Now you can win even more!

Recent Lucky Lady Reviews

jonwu wrote a review about Lucky Lady in Gardena, CA

Stay away

Takes forever to get into game. Tables only 8 handed, what a joke. Everywhere in vegas is back to 9 and 10 handed.... Read More

Jawa wrote a review about Lucky Lady in Gardena, CA

Drawing Tickets

The announcement of winning tickets is not audible from the poker tables. It is safest to leave the table just... Read More