Maryland Live! Casino at Arundel Mills
- Phone:
- (443) 445-2500
- Poker Tables:
- 50 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (All Day)
- Minimum Age:
- 21
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Poker Room Features
Poker Room Details
- Venue Type
- Casino
- Rewards Program
- Live! Rewards
Maryland Live! Details
The poker room is now open to the general public.
* Games will be played max 8-handed;
* Hand sanitizer will be at each table;
* Food will not be permitted in the poker room;
** Players can now sign-up for active games via the Bravo App. Players will have 1 hour to check-in before being removed from the waitlist.**
(More information about our Play It Safe Plan is available on our website)
* Games will be played max 8-handed;
* Hand sanitizer will be at each table;
* Food will not be permitted in the poker room;
** Players can now sign-up for active games via the Bravo App. Players will have 1 hour to check-in before being removed from the waitlist.**
(More information about our Play It Safe Plan is available on our website)