Poker House Fort Worth
- Phone:
- (682) 337-6537
- Poker Tables:
- 12 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (9:00am - TBD)
- Minimum Age:
- 18
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Announcements from Poker House Fort Worth
Flush Frenzy Promotion:
Progressive Daily Jackpot will be awarded
when a player makes a flush in every suit in a four
hour time period (See room for complete details)
$1,000 Flush Frenzy Tournament Jackpot NOW AVAILABLE!
Tournament Schedule
Daily Noon $500 GTD FREE-ROLL @12:00pm
Monday-Cash Games AND Live Stream
Tuesday- $1,000 GTD Freeeezout! @6:30pm
Wednesday-$1500 GTD Free-Roll w/BombPots @ 6:30 AND Live Stream
Thursday-$1500 GTD Free-Roll @6:30pm
Friday-$1500 GTD Free-Roll w/BombPots @ 7:00pm
Saturday-$1500 GTD Free-Roll @ 7:00pm
Sunday-$1500 GTD Free-Roll w/BombPots @7:00pm
Poker Room Features
Poker Room Details
- Venue Type
- Card Room