Rivers Casino Philadelphia formerly SugarHouse Casino

Poker Tables:
28 Tables
Open Now (All Day)
Minimum Age:
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machopoker88 wrote a review about Rivers Philadelphia in Philadelphia, PA

A lot of cons.

Pros and Cons.
- Pros /
- 1. The overall skill level of players is lower than Borgata’s. I felt this way, and even the dealer told me.
- 2. They provide free water at the podium.
- Cons /
- 1. They don’t have their hotel.
- 2. They don't have many food options for night games.
- 3. You can't buy chips from the table if you go bust.
- 4. They do safety screening at the gate, and you can't bring food in from outside.
- 5. Tables often break after 1am.
- 6. Less 2/5 is running than Borgata.

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