BiggDave1981 wrote a review about SAPP in San Antonio, TX


This is by far the best card room is San Antonio.

The day time is free hourly rate from 10am until 1pm
And the day time 1/3 game is JUICY!! The regulars are great, super friendly!

All three tournaments they run are awesome! And there is more coming. Soon there will be a tournament every day. Great structures, great payouts, and they are growing every week in the number of entries!
There is usually 2 or 3 1/3 games going at night, very good tables. They run other games too!

At night I have been playing 4/8 Omaha limit, they taught me to play the week they opened, and it is AWESOME!! I usually buy in for 200, and leave with 600-800 no problem! Very friendly fun players playing this game and it lasts for 10-12 hours if you like long sessions ( I do ) even if you don't know how to play Omaha or limit if you know poker you can learn and not have to worry about losing your whole bankroll cause it is just a few bucks to get into a hand. The hands get big some times but it's a limit game so in a full ring the biggest pots are 1 or 2 hundred bucks. Most pots are 30 or 40 bucks total. Which over a few hours adds up!

The staff, and owners are amazingly personable,kind, and funny! They Oder food regularly for everyone, or help you get take out orders, make store runs ( BYOB ) they will make you feel like you're at home. This place is my home now! I was bouncing back and fourth between the other rooms in town. Not any more. I'll still get around from time to time, but this is my hone card room now 100%!

Come check it out, I promise you, you'll love it!

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from San Antonio Poker Palace


$100,000 BAD BEAT

Bad Beat Jackpot: Aces full of Kings or Better Beat

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