EthanHendrix wrote a review about SAPP in San Antonio, TX

Lied to and banned

Show up tonight to play, tried giving them another chance after a year away to see if things had gotten better. They actually had managers this time so definitely an improvement for starters but everything went down from there. I get on the list to play 1/3 and for the live stream, about 30 minutes in I'm informed there's a seat on the live stream so I get up to go play that. I'm told I have to buy a minimum of $40 in time to play the stream, something I've never been told on any other stream. I don't want to buy that time, I don't know if I'll be coming back in the future or even be there that long, the dealer tells me I can cash out my time at the end of the night so I agree to pay it and sit down to play. There's no burn on bomb pots for some reason, again something no other room does. At the end of my session, I got to cash out my time and I'm told that's not their policy. I tell them who told me I could and they make me stand around for 45 minutes while they check the cameras and finally come back with they couldn't hear anything clearly so they're just not going to refund the time. I try talking to the owner who's there playing, I tell him I'm not going to be returning in the future to which he asks me to come outside and tells me I'm banned. Then he condescendingly tells me if I need the money that bad @#$% pay it back. Honestly, this room is the worst one in town. Terrible dealers, one who was fired from another room for theft. Managers who don't help and are rude. And a manager who is condescending and would rather ban someone for having a complaint than ban players who get drunk and fight. I wish I could give them a 0 star.

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$100,000 BAD BEAT

Bad Beat Jackpot: Aces full of Kings or Better Beat

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