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11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
drsusa wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

best weird card place I've been to. not weird ... butt

Reviews are like ... opinions, I mean, butts. Blah blah blah.

If u want to complain about stuff, move along. PLEASE! I have never, NEVER, had any issue with collusion. Unlike our current FELON, excuse me president.

As an "alleged" "woman" I always feel safe at Shuffle. Unlike some larger "clubs".

Butt, what do I, a lowly "lady" know? I've only been playing poker almost ... hmmm, 40 years. I've been across this world "playing" poker. And my two favorite "card houses". Excuse me, social clubs are polar opposites in size.

I bet yall can guess what my second fave place in town is ... that's right, Doug Polka Dots lil place. I enjoy Shuffle for reasons I don't enjoy the Lodge. And vice versa.

Ooooh waaaaa. I'm a crybaby. Pull up a chair. If I've ever felt Weirdsies (sp?) at Shuffle, I speak to one of the INTELLIGENT and certainly NOT handsome floor managers. I have NEVER been disrespected twice at Shuffle. FACTS, brosephs.

And NO, they did ask me to take down this review. I said, nice try, kiddos. I love y'all. Almost as I love the LODGE. I mean "that big heckong card place".

Unlike POPPA Rohan's Comedy Mothership, Shuffle is unassuming in a sweet way. Not a girly way. Do not mistake sweet for unprofessional.

Clean Toilets, almost always a table, silly, fun, clean (ish) dealers (no JUDGE mint;), a great, cool club that reminds ME of older Vegas. Before gross families moved the real gambling underground.

Cry about whatever ye like. This club is clean, chill, good tunes, great dealers, amazing floor managers, and secure as ... hmmm ... Fort Knox? (Whispers (I've never been to Fort Knox, it's on me list, yo, shhhh))

Please do NOT come here if you're gonna want some cheese with yer wine.

Truly. Fun place. Clean. Lower lights than the LODGE (which I love for other reasons)

Ok. I'm done. If you have a feminine pair of pants. I HIGHLY recommend you check out this place, the LODGE, and until the recently banned me (allegedly) TCH social.

All the pretty woman know me. I know I know. I ramble like a "woman" so it must be true.

Grow a pair, come tell me to my face how unfair Shuffle is. I'll be there all week playing tourneys. For fun.

I don't know about y'all. I play tournaments for fun and silliness, and cash game for MONEY.

Prove me wrong, or don't. You matter berry widdle to me.

Shuffle is great. I PROMISE. Just saying. Ok. Maybe I'll take this review down. Feeling cute right now. And sleepy. Maybe I'll go play some cash game ... right ... meow ... I mean now.

Get over your preconceptions of poker. Show me one place as fun and weird as Shuffle. I'll save a chair for ya there. I PROMOSE. LOL typo. Y'all know what I mean.

Cool folks try places before "Believing" any silly pumpkin head review.

Ok. My ma says I need sleep. F U ... N ... spells fun. And I almost (made up statistic) 99% of the time have a great time. And not bragging. Usually leave richer ... in spurt. lol typo. Spirit.

Be kind. Or don't. You do you, I'll do me. Cool fun chill poker 4 Lyfe. Or I mean. I work for Lyft. Jkjk girls. See ya there this week. I'll be holding office hours to school y'all. Kisses face emoji. Oh technology.

Big hugs. If that's your thing. Enthusiastic consent 4 life.

(Psst. Let me know if I should take this down, Mr Polka Dot ;) gross. Jkjk. I'm nobody. Or am I? Hmmmmm

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Announcements from Shuffle 512


NEW Saturday $3k Guarantee Freeroll at 7pm!!!

Weekly Player Giveback
Austin's best value!! The more you play, the more free time you get:
15-19 Hours: $12 free time
20-24 Hours: $18 free time
25-29 Hours: $24 free time
30-34 Hours: $36 free time
35-39 Hours: $48 free time
40-44 Hours: $60 free time
45-49 Hours: $72 free time
50+ Hours: $120 free time

Time pricing
1 hour - $12
4 hours - $44
10 hours - $100

Daily Tournament Schedule:
Mondays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Tuesdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Wednesdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Thursdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Fridays 7pm: $3000 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Saturday 7pm: $3000 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Sundays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)

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