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fisherman wrote a review about Sycuan Casino in El Cajon, CA


This is a place that needs a review badly. There are some things here you need to know about before you go. Some great stuff and some things that will drive you nuts.

First, unless you want to get into some serious insanity DON'T DO THE DAY TOURNEYS! It's a very cheap rebuy and it shows. It's like you brought 14 of the crazy cousins from Vacation to play with. There's no way to survive this rebuy period without doing it. Never seen so much "F*ck it" play going on - ever.

The casino is smoky - like gas-mask smoky. Be ready when you walk in the door.

Now here's the interesting part. The buffet is great so if you want to grab food while you're here, you'll be very happy with it. The staff did a nice job too. Very good people working here and dealers were great too. I did like the promos there as well. There's a couple days a week (I was there for one of them) that if you play the tourney you can then play an hour and get cash back. That's rather unique and I took advantage of it.

The evening tourneys were ok. Not as bad with no RB or AO so they were doable.

So it gets a mixed bag. If they did a normal tourney in the day and had better ventilation in the place, I'd have probably bumped it to 4/5. But it definitely has some good things about it if you go.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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