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Morey wrote a review about TCH Social Austin in Austin, TX

Look Out

The tournament circuit running through here currently is a big scam. Or at least the room is full of characters looking for non-legal or unfair ways to cheat people.

There were employees, dealers, and random characters harassing people and threatening players constantly. At the extreme, they were even stealing male anatomy during play. The chairs don't cover your rear, and people tend to be really focused on the game.

Many scam dealers threatening people and trying to stack decks or do a lazy shuffle that doesn't shuffle the cards. Sometimes with these tournament circuits the scam dealers will take bribes or be actively helping certain players with stacked decks.

Lots of rude behavior in general. I am shocked. 2 stars because it s a big, nice, new looking room.

If you have been around Texas you'll probably be familiar with all of the above anyhow.

Food and Drink
  • Morey, I would like to hear more about your experience if you have the time. Please feel free to ask for my email. I apologize for these occurrences. ~Joe D.

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Announcements from TCH Social Austin

Austin's Premier Poker Room

Texas Card House continues to blaze the trail for poker in Texas. TCH Social - Austin built for the guest experience! EAT DRINK PLAY at TCH Social! Come see TCH's new flagship room and be served by the best Team!

**Due to weather conditions, tournament guarantees will be temporarily suspended**


Every Morning From 6am-10am!

A Tuesdays Play All Day for the rest of January for only $50!
A Wednesdays 9 For $99! *limit one purchase per day*
A Fridays 1/2 Time PLO All Day!
A Saturdays $200 High Hands every 20 Minutes from 12pm-8pm!

💰Referral Bonus Bring a New Member to TCH Social and We Will Match Their First Time Purchase and Apply it to Your Account!

Click HERE for our current happenings and promotions!

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