Yocasinojoe wrote a review about TCH Austin in Austin, TX

Great Feeling Room

Excellent dealers, lots of action and very nice room. A must when you're in the area. The half NL & half plo bomb pots is a fun game. 2-5 game is juicy but has some good players, so bring your "A" game.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Texas Card House Austin

Texas Card House – Austin, TX
Club Phone Number (512) 428-6393

Address: 13530 N. Hwy 183 Unit 100
Austin, TX 78750

Quads of the Day!
$200 Daily Rollover
*Inquire with TCH staff for rules*

Earn Up to $75 in Rewards Daily!
$25 Awarded at 5:30 AM, 7:30AM and 9:30 AM

Refer a Friend!
Existing Member gets $50 in Rewards + the New Member gets a FREE monthly membership!

Ladies Night! Every Friday (50% Off)

OPEN 24 HOURS EVERYDAY! (Reopen at 9:00am if room goes dark)

General Manager: Dustin Ramirez
Email: dustin@texascardhouse.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tch.atx/

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