The Linq Hotel & Casino formerly The Quad / Imperial Palace

Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
rsmiley wrote a review about The Linq in Las Vegas, NV

GREAT management - Quickly became one of my favorite tourny rooms

Room is separated enough from most of the rest of the casino that smoke isnt too bad

Some of the least expensive tournies on the strip so a lot of inexperience players

Dealers were helpful for new folks and for the most part pretty friendly. There was one older guy that was really rude.

I like the way that they do cocktails. One gal will get the orders using a mobile device and within minutes another gal is bringing the drinks.

Absolutely FANTASTIC. Especially Carrie. I played there one tournament there first day that I was there and she remembered where i was from the second time i was in there.

NA tournament

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent The Linq Reviews

MrMessy wrote a review about The Linq in Las Vegas, NV


New tables and chair, chips in good condition, though the room just opened. I'll be interested to see how well they... Read More

wisak7 wrote a review about The Linq in Las Vegas, NV


New tables in a spruced up casino. Room seemed cramped to me but overall a tolerable atomosphere I say easy because... Read More