The Oaks Poker Club
- Phone:
- (512) 240-2217
- Poker Tables:
- 8 Tables
- Minimum Age:
- 18
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Announcements from The Oaks Poker Club
Monday - FEATURED GAME 12PM 5/5 NLH — MONDAY NIGHT TOURNEY! Cash games to follow!
Tuesday - FEATURED GAME 1/2/5 Big-O @6:30PM (w/ NLH / PLO additional tables)
Wednesday - FEATURED GAME 1/2/5 PLO @6:30PM (w/ NLH / PLO additional tables)
Thursday - FEATURED GAME 1/2/5 Big-O @6:30PM (w/ NLH / PLO additional tab)
Friday - FEATURED GAME 5/5 NLH @1PM (w/ NLH / PLO starting at 6PM)
Closed Saturday / Sunday until further notice!
Poker Room Features
Poker Room Details
- Venue Type
- Card Room