Silks @ Tampa Bay Downs

Poker Tables:
26 Tables
Closed (10:00am - 3:00am)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 3:00am
10:00am - 3:00am
jybouz wrote a review about The Silks Poker Room in Tampa, FL

Open Collusion/Cheating?

New to the area so checked out the place a few weeks ago. Went in a few times but this weekend, a player in 1/3 raised pre from EP with about $300 and got 2 callers, one of whom was on the button. Both players had the raiser covered with MP having the largest stack at the table. Raiser c-bets the flop that came 9 high with 2 diamonds. First player calls and button jams. Original raiser was the short stack of the 3 and went all in. Button engaged in some table talk trying to dissuade the 3rd player from calling saying he got it, etc. That's borderline questionable bec the action is not heads-up and original raiser may or may not want a fold. But then he started mouthing/signaling "fold" to the 3rd player. Dealer was incompetent and just sat there and let that all go on. 1 of the players who wasn't in the hand started raising questions about the behavior. The large stack (MP), who is/was a dealer (Zack??), kept saying the button's actions weren't influencing his action. He ends up folding and button (Robbie?? Heavy set vet) shows pocket 9's for a flopped set. Original raiser was on a nut flush draw that didn't come in and ends up getting stacked. At best, this is poor poker etiquette. However, table talk shouldn't go on unless it's down to 2 players and the players talking are in the hand. Dealers should enforce this. Signaling to another player to fold, on top of all the other talk, is straight up cheating. Dealer was a chick with a tattoo that read "too weird to live too rare to die" or some corny crap like that. She was totally unengaged and didn't seem to give a bleep, even as one of the other players was getting heated about the overt cheating. At the very least, she should've called the floor bec the back and forth between button and the gentleman who wasn't in the hand started to escalate. I've played about 7 times or so there and it's always been pleasant, even when I lost. When I saw this, it made me question what goes on over there especially since so many of the players there seem to know each other really well.

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Offering Table Games: Ultimate Texas Hold'em, 3 Card and DJ Wild

Recent The Silks Poker Room Reviews

EEE wrote a review about The Silks Poker Room in Tampa, FL


They take a rake without a flop and more than $1 if the pot exceeds $10. Hard Rock does not take a rake without a... Read More