Tri-State Social
- Phone:
- (270) 853-0159
- Poker Tables:
- 6 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (1:00pm - TBD)
- Minimum Age:
- 18
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Announcements from Tri-State Social
Come join us at 1900 Highway 41 N
First time visitor gets a free daily membership and 1 hour of free play.
Current Primary Bad Beat $20,680
Current Secondary Bad Beat $5,789
Monthly Promotions
Hourly Rate now is $10.
Any player who plays in a tournament gets a free hour of play for that day.
Early registration bonus for those that enter and are seated by tournament start time.
Ring Events
January 23-25 $250 NLH GTD Day 1A-1C (starting times 4pm Thurs, 6pm Fri, 2pm Sat)
January 26 $250 NLH $10k GTD Day 2 - @ 1 pm
10/20 Limit Hold'em @1PM
Bomb Pots every 30 Mins.
Bad Beat In Play
1/3 Hold 'em @6PM
Monday Night $65 No Limit Hold’em @6PM
10/20 Omaha HI Lo @1PM
10/20 Limit Hold'em @1PM
Bomb Pots every 30 Mins.
$30 Holdem tourn 6 pm ( $30 rebuys and addons)
10/20 Big O @1PM
Thursday Night $65 One More Time No Limit Hold’em @6:00PM
10/20 Omaha HI / Lo @1PM
Friday Night $40 Mini Bounty No Limit Hold’Em @ 7:00PM
10,000 Chips ($5 additional 2500) 15 min levels with Rebuys $30 registrations closed after 1:40 Hours.
$100 NLH Mega Stack Greenville Style @12PM
2/5 Bomb Pot Game @5PM
1/3 Hold 'em @6PM
1st Sunday of the Month $100 Crazy Pineapple @2PM
2nd Sunday of the Month $110 Bounty Tournament with $25 bounties @2PM
3rd Sunday of the Month $100 Crazy Pineapple Tournament @2PM
4th Sunday of the Month $100 Bounty Tournament with $25
Tournament Calendar
Tournament Schedule
Although Tri-State does not have a daily (recurring) tournament schedule, it does host some tournaments. See the "Upcoming Tournaments" list on this page.