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zingbust wrote a review about Wildhorse in Pendleton, OR

Deceptive business practices

I am sad to report that the extremely popular Wild Horse Poker Roundup series (3 a year, Spring, Summer, and Fall) engage in deceptive business practices regarding the prize pools of their tournaments. Like many poker rooms they take 3% out of the prize pool to help with expenses. But unlike the others that take the extra 3%, they do not disclose this information on their flyers. Instead, there is a very fine print at the bottom of some flyers that mentions that they can make changes when they want to. So, if someone were to go to the tribal court system or gaming commission with a complaint, the defendant would just point to that fine print and no punishment would occur.

The fine print on the Vegas casinos which take an extra 3% cut for themselves always says so clearly somewhere on the flyers.

Next time you go to Pendleton to play in one of these otherwise excellent tourneys (free buffet dinner for players, free coffee and soft drinks available always, free doughnuts in the morning, etc), be aware that the "money added" feature of these tourneys is almost completely erased by the undisclosed 3% they take.

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