Poker Tables:
3 Tables
Minimum Age:
red_man_greg wrote a review about Cannery Casino in North Las Vegas, NV

Wanna go fishin?

rinky @#$% tables mixed with a mediocre atmosphere

DRUNKS DRUNKS DRUNKS!!!! These three people (especially this tourist Irish lady) would raise and re raise and call anything with Jack high. BIG POTS that you get paid off with

These dealers put up with alot and still maintained composure.

Didn't see her much.

Just like the dealer's, got security on a gentleman that was way out of line. Very kind

High hands and Freeroll qualifier bumps this one up.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Cannery Casino Reviews

bigd2172 wrote a review about Cannery Casino in North Las Vegas, NV

Not bad

The room is par for the older rooms in vegas. Chairs not too good,tho there are additional cushions available Tables... Read More