Manchester Poker Room formerly Manch Vegas Poker Room

Poker Tables:
30 Tables
Open Now (8:00am - 1:00am)
Minimum Age:
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 4:00am
8:00am - 4:00am
8:00am - 4:00am
ptzannos818 wrote a review about Manchester Poker in Manchester, NH

incompetent or crooks ?

First time playing here in a tournament , not only did the dealers make multiple mistakes over the first few levels mostly because they were talking with the regulars and not paying attention to the action . In fact I had won a big pot and the dealer was pushing the pot to the loser and when I tried to stop him his answer to me was "I didn't know what was going on" The big issue was after the 30 minute break and when I returned I had chips missing in fact a $10,000 chip . With 5 minutes left in break I asked the floor managers to rectify and they blew me off , told me I must have made the mistake in counting . I am a seasoned player and very aware of my chip stack at all times . Especially big denominations like 10k chips . I counted before break and no doubt it was shorted when I came back . Now play resumes and they did nothing to investigate , I questioned it again then they told me they would go to the video surveillance, meanwhile I was getting frustrated and distracted I get involved in a hand a very big hand and the floor guy was over my shoulder while I was playing distracting me and doubting my complaint causing me to misplay my hand and bust out ! I was I a big stack throughout the whole tournament and we only had 25 players left and I was in good control and undoubtedly would have cashed in this tournament. I asked the manager to refund my buy in since they made a mistake amd shorted my stack and he declined telling me video shows the dealer "colored up chips properly" I asked to see the video amd they said no . Also when they chip up they take the $100 chips amd give you bigger chips not take your 10k chip . Meanwhile there was a random
10k chip sitting in dealers rack amd she said she didn't know how it got there (obviously it was my missing chip" but the manager told me to move on . I feel they are very corrupt or very stupid , either way they screwed me . HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE! If you actually take poker seriously don't play here , as unsaid the only two options here were corruption or stupidity and can't play under those conditions.

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Announcements from Manchester Poker Room

Open Daily at 8AM
Daily NLH Poker Promotions!

High Hands
$300/Hr. 12-8p

High Hands
$200/Hr. 12p-5p

High Hands
$200/Hr. 12p-8p

High Hands
$200/Hr. 12p-5p

High Hands
$400/Hr. 12p-9p

Tuesday and Thursday Nights Tournament
5:30p Start; Late Reg. 8:40PM
$90 Unlimited Re-Entry (up to $2500)
20k Starting stack, 20 min. levels
$10 Dealer add-on

SATURDAY Tournaments
5:30PM Start; Late Reg. 8:30PM
$150 Re-Entry (Up to $2500)
$25K Starting Stack 20 Min. levels
$10 Dealer Add-On

Recent Manchester Poker Reviews

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