Parkwest Casino Lodi formerly Wine Country Casino, Lodi Casino

Poker Tables:
1 Table
Open Now (9:00am - TBD)
Minimum Age:
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
9:00am - TBD
zardoz wrote a review about Parkwest in Lodi, CA

not the best

I used to love going to this poker room but it's changed over the years. There's a lot of talk at the tables about the current hand, in other languages and it seems collusion is a common and acceptable thing here.

I'd only go back if I were stuck in Lodi and unable to uber, hitchhike or walk to another card room.

In all honesty it seems to have turned into "The Cameo" v2 for those of you familiar with the Stockton card room. Oh and do t try to get service, the waitresses come around once every 35 minutes... which is absurd for that small of a place.

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Recent Parkwest Reviews

robertdom wrote a review about Parkwest in Lodi, CA


Like a family game same players all the time. Dealers lack a bit to be desired although there are a few... Read More

zardoz wrote a review about Parkwest in Lodi, CA

not the best

I used to love going to this poker room but it's changed over the years. There's a lot of talk at the tables about... Read More

billie wrote a review about Parkwest in Lodi, CA


Lodi card room has always been a place that my fiance and i go to so that we can have a good time, until tonight that... Read More