PokerAtlas TableCaptain
- Phone:
- (702) 910-2300
- Poker Tables:
- 5 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (TBD - TBD)
- Minimum Age:
- 21
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⚠️⚠️⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️⚠️⚠️ Please ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS for the PokerAtlas App on your iPhone or Android device to continue receiving waitlist notifications. We are no longer using SMS/Text Messages in Canada.
Announcements from PokerAtlas TableCaptain
Join us for our Daily Promotions where you can win $MILLIONS$ with any 7-2 offsuit. All you need to do is flop 4-of-a-kind with any offsuite 7-2 in your hand. Suited 7-2's do not qualify, unfortunately. Buckle up, folks!
Tournament Calendar
Tournament Schedule
Bad beat! We are told that PATC does not currently run any poker tournaments. Find other nearby poker tournaments here. Have a question about PATC? Ask our community!