Poker Tables:
42 Tables
Minimum Age:
PoketAces wrote a review about Pechanga in Temecula, CA

Not bad

I played the Friday night tournament before they stopped running them and it was ok... Not many chips. I played $2/$5 and $5/$5 NL after and there wasn't much action. When I moved from $2/$5 to the $5/$5 another player even said "Play tight"... not too encouraging. A lot of tables but not the best action. Not horrible but won't be back anytime soon.

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Recent Pechanga Reviews

PokerQN wrote a review about Pechanga in Temecula, CA

The Best!!!

Amazing Poker Room! The only place to play!!!They always have great promotions! Great Tournaments! Great Staff! I... Read More

PoketAces wrote a review about Pechanga in Temecula, CA

Not bad

I played the Friday night tournament before they stopped running them and it was ok... Not many chips. I played $2/$5... Read More