Peppermill Poker Room formerly Montego Bay Casino
- Phone:
- (800) 217-0049
- Poker Tables:
- 9 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (All Day)
- Minimum Age:
- 21
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Poker Room Features
Poker Room Details
- Venue Type
- Hotel & Casino
- Rewards Program
- Passport Rewards
- Comps & Promotions
- $1/hour comp rate. HIGH HANDS: Starts at $400 each hour for the highest qualified jackpot hand. Each hour the HH is not hit we add $100 to the payout.The payout amount carries over to the next morning if the room goes dark, it only resets to $400 after it is hit. (qualifying hand is Aces full of Jacks or better, player must have a pocket pair for full house or quads and both cards must play for straight/royal flushes, must be the highest possible hand) ACES CRACKED - $100 STRAIGHT FLUSH - $200 (both cards must play 1 CARD ROYAL FLUSH - $100 (not eligible for HH) ROYAL FLUSH -$500 (both cards must play) BAD BEAT JACKPOT - $5000. Quads or better beat, $20 pot qualifier, must have pocket pair and use both hole cards for straight/royal flushes making the highest possible hand.