Poker Palace Montreal formerly Snake's Poker Club

Mtlpoker27 wrote a review about Poker Palace in Kahnawake, QC

Organization = 0

I have literally never reviewed anything online but I couldn't let this one go.

Went there today expecting to play the 135+15 re-entry tournament. The registration is usually supposed to be open for 2 hours. I showed up half an hour after registration and they had without notice capped the player max to 100 and not taking alternates. I'm also guessing players in the tourney won't be able to re-enter since this is not a rebuy but rather a separate new entry.

Then I go to play cash but the lists were massive! Only one 2-5 open but a list of 15 waiting... Also there were empty tables in the building. Why have more tables if you can't max them out on a Saturday of all days.

Food is ok but I the menu is lacking choice and pretty much junk food only.

Parking is ok if you valet

Dealers: Been there 4 times in past 2 weeks and 2/3 dealers are sub par.

Will never go again after this experience. Sorry

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Poker Palace Reviews

Nero wrote a review about Poker Palace in Kahnawake, QC


Amazing poker room, beautiful, clean, well run. Amazing food and drink service too. Surprisingly good food. I've been... Read More

GUA wrote a review about Poker Palace in Kahnawake, QC

Bad bad bad....

So first of all the place is open for more than a month and don't have assigned handicap spots! They didn't let me... Read More

oooo wrote a review about Poker Palace in Kahnawake, QC

Lack PG standard

The positive review are all by their staff. Atrocious rake. Dealers are PG rejects. Parking is the most absurb thing... Read More

jaypalace wrote a review about Poker Palace in Kahnawake, QC


Beautiful place great atmosphere food was good..girls are beautiful and nice only hick right now is some dealers have... Read More