Poker Tables:
12 Tables
Open Now (9:00am - 2:00am)
Minimum Age:
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 2:00am
StewartS wrote a review about River Spirit Casino in Tulsa, OK

Great promo and dealers, terrible comp system, nice clean room

The Good:
The dealers and excellent and very friendly along with the rest of then staff. The bad beat promo is the best that I've seen. The qualifying hand drops everyday so that it's easier to hit. The room is super clean and beautiful.

The bad: The $0.76 an hour comp is a joke, especially when it doesn't go straight to your card. I played 13 hrs and asked the floor how much I had accumulated. I figured it up to be almost $10, but he said not much. I did not use any comps, and he verified that I didn't and should have 13 hrs in the system. He could not do anything. I was told the supervisor with access would be here tomorrow. First, the casino is saying we don't value poker players at all when they can't give you $1 an hr. Then when you can't even use it, that just @#$% you off.

I would rate the room higher overall when the plexiglass is removed from the tables. It's a terrible way to play. All-in players should move chips to the middle to signify that move. You can't heard anything across the table.

The food at the casino is good and has several great options.

Promotions and Comps

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