Poker Tables:
23 Tables
Minimum Age:
cjnms wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

it's freezing in there

This place keeps it ridiculously cold to appease the dealers. The players are always complaining that is as cold as a meat locker in there. It all falls on deaf ears.
Noon today I was told they would turn up the temperature. 4 hours later nothing changed. My entire table was frozen. We left. I guess that keeping the dealers happy is more important than player comfort.

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Recent Seneca Niagara Reviews

cjnms wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

top notch

This place knows how to run a poker room. Dealers are excellent and fast moving. They know what they are doing. The... Read More

JA15 wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

Great Room

Overall great room. Managed well. Dealers are solid and experienced. Good promotions with high hands and bad beat.... Read More