Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
aussiebrat wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

why did you ever change, then close :(

This was the best poker room in Las Vegas by a mile. The crew that ran the room were a real family , as were the patrons. I would fly 10,000 miles 2/3 times a year just to play $65 $75 tourneys, all day and night.
I made a lot of friends and was shocked to hear it was closed for good. Management changed, the game structure changed and that was the end of that.
I know Poker's not the casino's highest earner , but this was by far the best room I've played in vegas and I've played in just about all of them.
I can only hope the owner gets nostalgic and decides to open it when things pick up again. I believe he's a poker player himself and that the room was closed when he was on annual leave.
I miss Vegas in 2021 and especially the old crew at TI. Nam, Scottie, Ryan , Manny, Dominic , Jesse , Travis etc, you guys rock! At least we'll have those memories for life!

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Recent TI Poker Room Reviews

jb218 wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Quality Game

I stayed here in February 2014, and played 2 sessions. The room was somewhat small, but not too crowded so the size... Read More