Binion's Casino formerly Binion's Horseshoe

Poker Tables:
6 Tables
Minimum Age:
noWasabi808 wrote a review about Binion's in Las Vegas, NV

First Time at Binion's

I loved everything about this room. From the pictures on the wall to the autograph felt...the atmosphere was just great.

I played at Bin's 4 out of 5 days during my trip; I played twice a day. The players were somewhat tight, but it was not hard to win. I am by no means a professional player, but I am no "donkey" either. If you have a decent knowledge of the game, you will do well.

The dealers were extremely friendly and professional. In all my sessions, the dealers made NO mistakes.

There were periods of time when the cocktail waitress wouldn't come by. However, once someone in the room flagged one down, the waitress kept coming back.

The player list was organized and the management was extremely friendly. There was only one session when I had to wait, but it was not long. During that short wait, the manager made small talk with me to help pass the time by.

There was no jackpots during my sessions. I do not know what the comp rate is. However, one player did order food via comps and it did appear that things went smoothly for him. Other than that, I cannot comment on this section.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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