Binion's Casino formerly Binion's Horseshoe

Poker Tables:
6 Tables
Minimum Age:
royalflushn wrote a review about Binion's in Las Vegas, NV

Great Poker Room

this was a wonderful experience and well staffed place, i had a fantastic experience , and the table games were wonderful , im sure that everyones had a bad experience anywhere they went to and someone will always have different views of any place and so forth , well i truly loved the place , it had the old time feel of Vegas as it was growing up and when the gambling days became what it is today, ii liked looking around and seeing the pictures of all old winners of the wsop and knowing its history there. It mighta helped that i won a decent amount of money at the place , but i still had a great time there and was a very nice atmosphere before i went to the full throttle pace of the Rio All Suite before the wsop , I also loved staying at the Golden Nugget i liked Freemonet Street experience and the feel of the older parts of Las Vegas , but there's also nothing like the view and fun of the Strip in newer parts of Las Vegas it is a place for any and everyone to see a must do and a top priority on anyones bucket list .

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