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adwrocher wrote a review about Canterbury Park in Shakopee, MN

Good action for being spread limit

Nice establishment, good action. Spread limit kinda sucks since draws get priced in in large pots, but that's a MN thing, not exclusive to here.
A unique thing for me was also that the game maxes at 8 handed. Makes it a bit more fun to get involved a bit more. Also the buy in is uncapped for 1-2 SL, so you can get some very big, very splashy whales at your table. Decent mix of regs and fish though. Definitely a beatable game.
Jackpots are pretty hard to hit.

Pros: nice room and atmosphere, 8 handed is fun, uncapped buy in, nice chips, comfy chairs, great fast dealers.

Cons: the chairs are a little old, so long sessions aren't as good. Tables are pretty aged, but the felt is nice and there are auto shufflers. Jackpots are really tough to hit. They really like to open tables. So you won't wait long, but a lot of games will go down to 7 or 6 handed sometimes.

Neutral: I didn't see anyone get any food, but the prices were very reasonable.

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Recent Canterbury Park Reviews

djnourse wrote a review about Canterbury Park in Shakopee, MN


Stiff competition here. Great training ground for Vegas. It's my go to poker room when home. I average about $30/hour... Read More