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calveyj wrote a review about Encore Boston Harbor in Everett, MA

worst poker room in the country

Some of the worst dealers I have ever played with, including home games. I play there a lot because there is nowhere else to go in Boston but if you have any other options, obviously don't come here.
The dealers aren't super familiar with the rules and they are often not paying attention. There is a strong language barrier with most dealers (not there fault of course) so they often mis mishear raises. Truly remarkable.

Also you can't buy chips at the table and you often have to go downstairs for them (cage closes in the poker room)

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

Announcements from Encore Boston Harbor

EBH Poker is Open 24 Hours Every Day!

Evening Tournament Canceled on Jan 20

January Promotions
Sun High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Mon High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes
Mon Jan 20 High Hand
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Tue High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Wed High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes

Thu High Hands
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes

Sat High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes

January Tournaments-Registration opens 1 hour Before Tournament Starts,
No Tournament at 5:15pm on Jan 20

Mon-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Tue-5:15pm $340 $100 Bounty
25k Chips/25 Min Levels,

Registration closes at 6:45pm

Wed -10:15am $240 20k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

Wed-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm

Fri- 10:15am $420 30k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm

BadBeat Jackpot: $38,546.60

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