Poker Tables:
40 Tables
Closed (9:45am - 2:00am)
Minimum Age:
9:45am - 2:00am
9:45am - 2:00am
9:45am - 2:00am
9:45am - 2:00am
9:45am - 2:00am
9:45am - 4:00am
9:45am - 4:00am
SS Baby wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL

Worst poker room I've been in

Promotions are the worst in Florida. Rake is the highest.

Tournament structures are all crappy. After the 3rd level, everyone in the room is short-stacked. Even in their "mega" and "deep" stack tourneys this is the case. You get more chips, but the blind levels start higher and increase by larger amounts. After the 3rd level, everyone is playing the short-stack and there is no room to actually play poker.

I live five minutes away from the room in Melbourne. I would much rather drive up to Daytona or over to Tampa than waste any time or money in Melbourne--it's that bad. I play 2-4 times per week, but never in Melbourne.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Club 52 Melbourne Greyhound Park

Recent Melbourne Reviews

Kleslie wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL

Great staff

Staff is very courteous and helpful. As a hearing-impaired person they take the time to explain things.Tournaments... Read More

Gatkee wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL

Decent room

Dealers were great, players great. Only negative is the tables and most chips look like the original. Lol as long as... Read More

liberto1 wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL


I am deeply disturbed when there are players at the table who us the MF word and the F word in every sentence that... Read More

bobgruber2 wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL

Club 52

Well run poker room. Nice weekly tournament schedule and occasional larger events. They are very interested in... Read More

Sizspdes wrote a review about Melbourne in Melbourne, FL


Top class Poker room. Top class Poker room. Top class Poker room. Top class Poker room. Top class Poker room. Top... Read More