Muckleshoot Casino

Poker Tables:
19 Tables
Minimum Age:
Chipper77 wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA

Content with Mediocracy

Muckleshoot could be so much more than it is but they are content with it.

For whatever reason, they've tried to over complicate everything as much as possible. Having people fill out paperwork for $200 promos is ridiculous - I'd rather see the promos go away completely as it's just coming out of rake. Also being 1 card to play, it favors limit players and NL players basically have no chance, yet contribute.

Management never opens games even with lists 12+ and basically Billy does everything on their behalf who works very hard. They refuse to start games before tournaments, when most people would rather play cash but are forced to signup for tournaments as a result.

Dealers are largely great - there are some very exceptional dealers, who deal quick and know what's going on. Sure there are a few that every time you see them in the box it's time for a break but they are largely very solid and everyone knows which ones are in which category.

They've now created a bottleneck in tournament registration for whatever reason signing up at the cage (allowing cash players not to cash out) to then wait in another line for no reason. Every sunday tournament now has about 60 players in line after it starts. Payout structures are typically wrong, they want to pay the final table for some reason even when there's only 50-60 entries. They've capped tournaments at 100 people for some reason and now start them 10 handed which is unbearable. The rules are loose - if you've been there awhile you get a warning, if you're newer you get a penalty. All tournaments should start at least an hour earlier, which would better promote cash game actions and ended more timely. Weekday tournament rake is too large to be profitable, 25% monday/tuesday, 37.5% wednesday/thursday. Just increase the buy-ins on all tournaments at least $100 and maintain the $30 admin fee. There will undoubtedly be more players and create larger cash fields. Test it one day of the week to prove the concept. Make the tournaments freeze-outs if or 2 levels of rebuy to promote cash.

The action is way down, being the poker room literally sits outside the casino.

The food is terrible.

Ideas are unwelcome, change at Muckleshoot has only been for the worse.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Muckleshoot Casino Reviews

Jhp wrote a review about Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, WA


I think some of the new reviews are a little harsh. That being said, it's not a great room. Promotions (and payout... Read More