Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
southern_expat wrote a review about Plaza Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Good low stakes room

I cut my teeth here on their tournaments which are cheap $3-12. They use PokerPro tables which are touch screen digital poker machines. It is still fun & great way to learn. You can see all the chip stacks, it is obvious when the action is on you, & pretty easy to pick up. I like the Plaza but it may not be for everyone. It has been updated at some point but is still kind of rough just being next to the bus station & in DT LV.
Staff at the Plaza is top notch & the regulars more helpful than friendly with only the occasional obnoxious tourist.
Other info...
Parking is free if validated.
Drinks are brought often.
Pop-up pizza in the bomb @#$% diggity.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Plaza Casino Reviews

Baz wrote a review about Plaza Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Fun at the Plaza!

3 tables and very friendly atmosphere. Low stakes poker lead to a very relaxing and entertaining poker experience A... Read More